Transportation Bridge Rehab / Steel Repair > Our Expertise > Transportation > Bridge Rehab / Steel Repair One of Kokosing’s specialties is the repair and rehabilitation of bridges to extend their service life, many times in conjunction with upgrading their capacity. 91Èȱ¬performs rehabilitation project throughout our Regions including re-decking, widening, patching and strengthening. Our steel repair expertise includes everything from bearing and minor member replacements to full stringer and floor beam system upgrades. Our crews are well trained and have the technology to take on nearly any type of rehabilitation project. Bridge Rehab / Steel Repair Projects Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Brent Spence Bridge Rehabilitation I-77 Cleveland Innerbelt CCG6B
One of Kokosing’s specialties is the repair and rehabilitation of bridges to extend their service life, many times in conjunction with upgrading their capacity. 91Èȱ¬performs rehabilitation project throughout our Regions including re-decking, widening, patching and strengthening. Our steel repair expertise includes everything from bearing and minor member replacements to full stringer and floor beam system upgrades. Our crews are well trained and have the technology to take on nearly any type of rehabilitation project. Bridge Rehab / Steel Repair Projects Brent Spence Bridge Corridor Brent Spence Bridge Rehabilitation I-77 Cleveland Innerbelt CCG6B