Construction Manager Alternative Delivery methods can have different names, varying by state and the type of work being constructed. Common terms are Construction Manager at Risk, Construction Management at Risk (CMAR), and Construction Manager / General Contractor (CM/GC), among others. The common element in all of these methods is the owner bringing a Construction Manager (CM) on board to provide pricing, conduct constructability reviews, and perform risk assessments. The owner and CM negotiate a Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) to construct the project. The CM then manages the construction, including self-performed and subcontracted work.

91Èȱ¬is a self-performing, General Contractor. When we step into the role of CM, we bring with us all the knowledge, experience, and resources of a major contractor who has delivered projects just like yours. Where allowed, we self-perform the highest risk elements of a project, maintaining direct control over scope, schedule, and budget. Regardless of the percentage of work we self-perform, you get a construction management team who lives in the construction industry in real-time. Our pricing is based on current market conditions and state-of-the-industry knowledge of changes on the horizon. We treat subcontractors as professionals, holding them to high standards for safety and quality while delivering on our commitments for schedule and payment. Kokosing’s brand of CM-led Construction projects are best in class

Guaranteed Savings Contracts

A Guaranteed Savings Contracts (GSC) allows owners to evaluate potential contractors based on credentials and technical approach during the proposal stage.  Engaging 91Èȱ¬early on in the design process lowers cost through the identification of savings opportunities and development of a risk mitigation plan that involves both the owner and Kokosing. The owner-engineer-contractor team collaboratively operates as an informed team to construct improvements that ultimately will result in either energy savings, reduction in operating costs or maintenance costs and/or future costs.

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Western Hills Viaduct

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CVG Airport Hub

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Dublin Link Pedestrian Bridge

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I-77 Cleveland Innerbelt CCG6B

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Updates for Cleaner Water

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