Industrial Maintenance SLAB FURNACE SKID REPLACEMENT > Projects > Slab Furnace Skid Replacement McGraw 91ȱwas contracted to remove and replace nine Charge Zone skid assemblies. The project consisted of the demolition of 1,700 square feet of 20” thick refractory floor, installation of a temporary monorail system for demolition, Demolition and installation of five 46′ long stationary skids and four 57′ long walking skids, structural steel modifications, and the disconnection of the water circuit piping at all sixty posts and reinstallation of the equipment and associated water circuits including eleven new piping circuits. All skids and associated posts were removed and replaced with a newer style. The project was performed around the clock with an average of 55 people per 12 hour shift for 20-½ days totaling nearly 31,000 man-hours. Three other furnaces and the Hot Strip Mill remained operational during the duration of the project. Project was completed 12-hrs ahead of schedule. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Private Steel Client Location: Southwest Ohio SERVICES: Rigging & Equipment Setting Structural Steel Process Piping
McGraw 91ȱwas contracted to remove and replace nine Charge Zone skid assemblies. The project consisted of the demolition of 1,700 square feet of 20” thick refractory floor, installation of a temporary monorail system for demolition, Demolition and installation of five 46′ long stationary skids and four 57′ long walking skids, structural steel modifications, and the disconnection of the water circuit piping at all sixty posts and reinstallation of the equipment and associated water circuits including eleven new piping circuits. All skids and associated posts were removed and replaced with a newer style. The project was performed around the clock with an average of 55 people per 12 hour shift for 20-½ days totaling nearly 31,000 man-hours. Three other furnaces and the Hot Strip Mill remained operational during the duration of the project. Project was completed 12-hrs ahead of schedule. PROJECT DETAILS: Project Owner: Private Steel Client Location: Southwest Ohio SERVICES: Rigging & Equipment Setting Structural Steel Process Piping